About me

I guess it all started when i was in high school when I decided to take a photography class for the school yearbook the year was 1997 and the photography bug bit me hard. I started off and bought a Canon rebel. Granted this was still in the days of film. We shot on Black and White film CD-80 black and white that we were able to develop in the dark room at school. In my opinion this is a lost art on some people. I am glad that I had a chance to learn how to do dark room photography, there is some thing amazing about doing your own developing, but i digress maybe ill write a page about black and white developing.

So after learning about the whole dark room process and learning how to actually take photos, i was introduced to photoshop version 3.0 ( i might be showing my age here ). The school needed some one to learn how to manipulate photos for the year book and boy did this make me ever more exited about photography.

It was not until about 2010 that I decided to turn my photography into a business. My buisness partner Clayton Robinson and I decided on a name and we started RustedStone Photography. We mostly do headshots but we have a vast knowledge of all sorts of photography. We have done weddings, special events, children’s parties and we like to dabble with light painting. We have even competed in a few local photo competitions. We have traveled across the country taking photos and have met some interesting people and had the chance to take some great photographs.

I like to consider my self a open book if you have a question about me let me know !

